Your Spine is kind of like a Garage

Your spine is kind of like a garage… its where all the “junk” from life gets dumped. Emotional stress, accidents, computers, texting, sitting, fall and many other factors each cause misalignments of the spine (subluxation) and lead to damage to the nervous system. There are three causes of subluxation.

  1. Physical: accidents, sleeping wrong, wearing a purse and looking down while reading, cell phones, and ipads.
  • Chemical: Food coloring, preservatives and caffeine are all classified as “excitatory neurotoxins” which mean they cause the nerve system to fire spastically and lead to subluxation to the spine.
  • Emotional: stress causes the muscles of the back and neck to spasm. These muscles make their attachments to the bones of the spine. When in spasm, the muscles begin to pull the vertebrae out of place, which lead to nerve interference.

It has been said “if you wore your spine on your face you would take better care of it.” The reality is we accumulate new subluxation daily. Getting adjusted daily isn’t realistic. However, regular lifetime care is essential for you to express life and health fully!

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